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Bull Terrier

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Bull Terrier

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Monday, 14 January 2008 20:17
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9 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Why did datbtrue not allow his site to continue?' in the forum.
    Saying that the moderators don't have admin rights and thus are unable to retrieve the content of the datbtrue forum is just conjecture.
    It could be true, but outside of Dat and the moderators themselves I don't know how anybody else could possibly know.
    I'm quite sure of one thing though - at least one of the moderators has clear intentions to set up another forum and get back the old datbtrue members.

    9 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Why did datbtrue not allow his site to continue?' in the forum.
    I think that Datbtrue has done enough for plenty of people to merit a bit of trust and good faith. If he says he's closing for serious health problems i think we should believe him.
    As for archiving the site, this is being done by his moderators and they intend to get forum members onto another forum.
    I have no reason to doubt good faith of Datbtrue.

    9 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Testosterone and Anavar' in the forum.
    I'm calling BS on the article pulled from steroidology in opening post. Stanozolo has been shown to increase collagen synthesis ( but I can't find any credible information in scientific literature that testosterone inhibits collagen synthesis. Actually if anything it has a positive effect:
    Testosterone and its metabolite 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were compared with dexamethasone 21-acetate in two different animal models of arthritis and found to have effects on cartilage breakdown and inflammation. In the mouse air pouch, at the three dose levels used, significant effects were obtained with DHT and were more pronounced on cartilage breakdown than on inflammation. At the lowest dose of 0.3 mg kg-1 there was a 64% inhibition of collagen breakdown and 18% inhibition of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) breakdown. In the antigen-induced arthritis mouse model testosterone had significant inhibitory effects on inflammation (synovial hyperplasia) and cartilage erosion."
    "........The notion that testosterone decreases joint laxity is further supported by the reported increase in the collagen content of the prostate, breast and capsular tissue and an increase in knee ligament repair strength by testosterone "

    Personally I would be surprised if there were to be any information in scientific literature investigating the effect of boldenone and collagen synthesis in humans, considering that it is a veterinary drug.

    9 years ago
  • Bull Terrier added a new review for BSN Syntha-6 Edge

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

    Meal Replacement & Protein Average overall rating: 5.0
    Wednesday, 17 February 2016

    Written by Bull Terrier - View all my reviews

    Overall rating
    Mixes well
    Syntha-6 Edge I received a free sample of BSN Syntha 6 Edge (which I believe is somewhat different as compared to Syntha 6), chocolate flavour.
    I've really never tasted a protein powder so delicious. It was fresh and creamy tasting, despite being mixed with water, and really tasted like a good chocolate milkshake. No aftertase at all and not overly sweet.
    The sugar content is actually very low.
    Mixability is also excellent.
    I intend to order some and maybe also try some other flavours.
    Was this review helpful to you? yes     no
    9 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Beginning Wendler 5/3/1' in the forum.
    I'll answer all points of your post..
    First off - I think that it's generally better to train the main lifts twice per week, hence I put my Boring But Big sets on another day to the 5/3/1 sets. Here's what I do:

    Military press 5/3/1
    Bench press Boring But Big
    Accessory work (lat pulldown + lying tricep extensions) all on 3 sets of 10-15 reps

    Deadlift 5/3/1
    Squat Boring But Big
    Accessory work (ab raise with dumbell)

    Bench press 5/3/1
    Military press Boring But Big
    Accessory work (dumbell rows)

    Squat 5/3/1
    Deadlift Boring but Big (albeit with less than 50% of Training Max, and usually 3 sets rather than 5)
    Accessory work (Ab machine)

    I rest 2 minutes between accessory sets, and occasionally superset the exercises on the Monday workout.
    To anwer your second question - I just pick a weight that doesn't tire me out too much and do 3 sets, normally between 10 and 15 reps. Some days when I feel worn out I also skip the accessory exercises. My reasoning is simple - if I'm feeling worn out then I need to be careful to ease up in gym. My focus is on increasing the four main lifts, don't really care so much about the accessory exercises.
    11 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Is Cotto the best opponent for Mayweather now?' in the forum.
    I thought one of his more impressive wins all things considered was over Canelo. It's often said about the really established fighters that they avoid the young lions - however in this case Mayweather took Canelo to school when Canelo was in his prime and also very hungry.
    Having said that he's had plenty of other amazing wins, and he nearly always makes it look easy.
    11 years ago
  • admin thanks user 'admin' in the forum message ' Beginning Wendler 5/3/1'.
    11 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Beginning Wendler 5/3/1' in the forum.
    The order of the main workouts doesn't make much difference - I even remember Jim Wendler saying so himself.
    Furthermore the precise choice of the assistance exercises doesn't make a huge difference - the system is all about driving up the four main lifts. Everything else is almost perfunctory to this main objective.
    These are - in my opinion - the most important tenets to adhere to:

    - Use realistic maximum weights when doing your calculations and then calculate 90% of this number to give you your training max. Your workout percentages are then calculated of this training max. Don't cheat on this step. The workouts will feel easy at first, but with time they will start to get very difficult indeed.
    - Don't always push too hard on the final set - just do it when you feel particularly on-form. Always leave a rep or two in the tank in any case.
    - Be careful doing deadlifts twice per week (i.e. boring but big sets + main 5/3/1 set). It could well be wise to reduce the weights below 50% of Training Max for the Boring But Big sets. It is very easy to get overtrained on deadlifts.
    - Don't push too hard on the assistance exercises. They should feel relatively easy. You're just looking to get in the reps without breaking too much of a sweat doing them.
    - Take advantage of the Boring But Big sets to attempt to improve your form on the main lifts. For example - for many people - this means going down lower on squats, or else on deadlift actually resting the bar on the floor before pulling it up again. If you have the opportunity have a proper coach watch you to give you feedback on your form.

    Anyway, that's my $0.02 on the subject.
    11 years ago
  • Bull Terrier replied to the topic 'Is Cotto the best opponent for Mayweather now?' in the forum.
    I can't help thinking that Mayweather has pretty much run out of challenges. He's already beaten Cotto fairly comprehensively and I don't think that there is anything that Cotto could do differently in order to have a different outcome.
    Regarding Pacman - yes he's been slipping. However he's about the only really big name out there still for Mayweather and although I think that Mayweather would most likely beat him (and make it look relatively easy) it would at least be a big night for boxing and something to look forward to, albeit several years too late.
    11 years ago


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