D4TS is not a weak go around that is for sure. When you purchase this product you are getting a very powerful fat burner. There is a reason why cellucor tells you to start slow and add it in when using. it contains around 150mg caffeine per cap which is on par wit many pre-workout powders out there, but also realize that it does contain yohimbine which many may have an adverse side effect to, so again be cautious when dosing this. It may make you sweat like crazy but also give you some crazy fat loss attributes. This is hands down one of the most powerful fat burners out there. I would suggest dosing 1 cap upon waking and then 1 cap later in the day (once you get used to the first cap) and slowly increase to a 2/1 dose if you can handle 450mg caffeine per day!
Cellucor C4 is a well flavored and very basic pre-workout product on the market. Its a top seller because its a simple formula that works Period! A good dose of creatine nitrate for a pump, Beta-alanine for your workout performance and a low stim pre-workout that can be used to not build up a large tolerance. Steady streaming energy and a great product to stack with a non-stim for extra pump such as Hemavol or MAN body octane. I highly suggest this pre-workout to anyone who wants to get into the pre-workout game. This is a nice product that has tons of flavors!