Not all protein bars are created equally, and while this NuGo Organic bar provides some positive aspects, it doesn't really measure up in the long run. First of all, it only offers 10 grams of protein per 200 calorie bar, so it is behind in that respect. It does offer some favorable characteristics, as it is organic and vegan, so to the extent you are concerned with those things, it is probably a rare find. Additionally, it is made with real dark chocolate, so you can count on a legitimate rich and sweet flavor rather than the typical chemical flavoring of most protein bars. The flavor is much better than other protein bars, so that is a plus but the bar also contains 15 grams of sugar, so it had better taste good. Each bar contains just 2 grams of fiber, and as a result it isn't very filling. An additional aspect that may not be favorable for some people is the fact that the protein comes from soy rather than whey, which seems more common in bars. There are some vitamins and minerals - nothing mind-blowing - but not too shabby nonetheless.