I carry a tongue cleaner in my pocket, as residue accumulates on my tongue from certain foods, and causes bad breath when the bacteria do their work on it. Eggs and mayonnaise are extreme culprits.
Prior to Muscle Milk, I had been using Dymatize Elite Whey, and this caused me to need my tongue cleaner a little more throughout the day.
However, since the switch to Muscle Milk, the residue on my tongue and the odour when I scrape it off has got much worse, which means my breath must be
really bad! This is the one drawback of consuming a delicious protein drink. I assume it's from the saturated fats from the MCTs and various vegetable oils in the "Lean Lipids" blend.
Now I could switch again to Muscle Milk Light, which has 1/2 the amount of saturates, but I don't want to for two reasons:
- FitnessONE doesn't carry it, and I don't know if I can find another retailer with such a good deal that ships to Canada via a carrier that won't charge me crazy brokerage fees.
- I like the extra calories in Muscle Milk - I don't need to consume extra carbs in the form of maltodextrin to meet my energy requirements.
Fortunately Ultra Peptide 2.0 has only 1 g of saturated fat, so I don't think that will cause a problem. I'll probably never buy UP 2.0 again, as I got burned on brokerage fees + shipping.
Anybody else notice this?